Aoife Brewster - Myofascial Release

aoife photo 1Aoife Brewster, is a Clinical massage therapist specialising in Myofascial release and the author of “The Art of Unwinding”, A book about myofascia a book aims to allow individuals to facilitate their own healing, giving them the knowledge to heal and treat themselves. The book explores trigger points, predictable muscular pain patterns, and how the musculoskeletal and fascial systems interconnect She has been a professional bodywork practitioner since 2001 and has trained in a range of therapies including Advanced Clinical Massage specialising in myofascia release (MFR). She has diplomas in advanced reflexology, anatomy, physiology & pathology.

Rosie Taylor - Pregnancy and Biomechanics

well fit mommaRosie has over 13 years experience of working as a physiotherapist with mums and babies within the NHS, private practice and at East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice. She is also a Specialist Musculoskeletal and Children’s Physiotherapist, a 500 hr Yoga Alliance qualified teacher, an APPI (Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute) instructor with additional qualifications in Prenatal/Postnatal Pilates, Yoga, Baby Massage and Baby Swim teaching. She runs  Well Fit Mumma offering a range of techniques to support woment ante and postnatally - in this video offers a physiotherapists eye view of how pregancy changes the body and some xercises and techniques to help manage discomfort and to prepare for birth

Kat Corrigan - The amazing Psoas Muscle

Kat Corrigan Logo

Kat Corrigan is a Clinical Sports Therapist based in Norwich, treating people for a wide range of sporting and personal injuries, as well as predominantly working with horse riders to improve their performance in the saddle. That aside, Kat has a huge passion for all things Psoas muscle, and it's mind blowing link between emotional and physical health. Kat first met Molly, and chatted about the mystical Psoas muscle, when attending Molly's hypnobirthing and Biomechanics for Birth Workers courses when she was pregnant, and has since loved spreading the word about the Psoas muscle to other birth workers, to help influence more positive birth outcomes for women.

Molly - London 2021 Maternity festival presentation

Molly's dash for world domination continues apace as she talks about - go on - guess! Yep! -  Biomechanics - in a presentation for the London 2021 Maternity and Midwifery Festival. The festival presentation reads: Molly O’Brien, Midwife, Associate Lecturer, creator and teacher of 'Biomechanics for Birth' courses for birth professionals and associates and a birth preparation class called 'Moving for an Easier Birth' gives a presentation called "Love that birth physiology".