Anonymous submission, Midwife
Location: Ireland
Challenge: Labour dystocia – possible cesaerean section imminent
Solution: Modified side-lying release, one session, 10 minutes on each side
Place of birth: Delivery Suite
Jane Wallington, Doula at Breeze Birthing
Location: Cambridge, UK
Challenge: Posterior baby at 39 weeks with planned induction for gestational diabetes
Solution: Rebozo sifting, side-lying release and forward leaning inversion
Place of birth: Birth centre
Sophie Messager, Doula
Location: Cambridge, UK
Challenge: Uneven contractions and back pain
Solution: Rebozo sifting and shaking the apple tree
Place of birth: Hospital
Laura Muir, Midwife
Location: Ayrshire
Challenge: Induction of labour, posterior cervix, slow second stage
Solution: Side-lying release and hip squeeze
Place of birth: Midwifery suite
Vanessa de Beer, Homebirth Midwife
Location: Potchefstroom, South Africa
Challenge: First baby with a deflexed head and total face presentation
Solution: Rebozo, forward leaning inversion and side-lying release
Place of birth: Home
Elly Copp, Registered Midwife
Location: Somerset , UK
Challenge: Induction of labour, right occiput transverse presentation, delay in second stage at point of taking over care.
Solution: Rebozo – sifting and shaking the apple tree, counter pressure on sitz bones
Place of birth: Labour ward