Midwives, Doulas, Antenatal teachers, Physios, Consultants - a place for anyone involved in helping women prepare for birth share their stories about their experience of applying their improved understanding of biomechanics to intrapartum care. 

mumdadand babyH200pxThis section of the website is part of our effort to produce anecdotal evidence of how an improved understanding of the biomechanical processes of labour can help women have a better birth experience. If you have birth stories to share, negative or positive, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details. We'd also appreciate a thumbnail image to add colour warmth and light to the page (flattery get you everywhere??)

These are the stories reflecting the experience, techniques and training of individual practitioners. they are not a practical guide. Please do not attempt to replicate anything described in them unless it is within your competence and scope of practice.


Modified side-lying release

image of molly teaching side lying release: wtreat position 2 P1000727Anonymous submission, Midwife

Location: Ireland

Challenge: Labour dystocia – possible cesaerean section imminent

Solution: Modified side-lying release, one session, 10 minutes on each side

Place of birth: Delivery Suite

Jane Wallington

image of jane wallingtonJane Wallington, Doula at Breeze Birthing

Location: Cambridge, UK

Challenge: Posterior baby at 39 weeks with planned induction for gestational diabetes

Solution: Rebozo sifting, side-lying release and forward leaning inversion

Place of birth: Birth centre

Sophie Messager

image of sophie messagerSophie Messager, Doula

Location: Cambridge, UK

Challenge: Uneven contractions and back pain

Solution: Rebozo sifting and shaking the apple tree

Place of birth: Hospital

Laura Muir

image of laura muirLaura Muir, Midwife

Location: Ayrshire

Challenge: Induction of labour, posterior cervix, slow second stage

Solution: Side-lying release and hip squeeze

Place of birth: Midwifery suite

Vanessa de Beer

image of vanessa de beerVanessa de Beer, Homebirth Midwife

Location: Potchefstroom, South Africa

Challenge: First baby with a deflexed head and total face presentation

Solution: Rebozo, forward leaning inversion and side-lying release

Place of birth: Home

Elly Copp

image of ellie coppElly Copp, Registered Midwife

Location: Somerset , UK

Challenge: Induction of labour, right occiput transverse presentation, delay in second stage at point of taking over care. 

Solution: Rebozo – sifting and shaking the apple tree, counter pressure on sitz bones

Place of birth: Labour ward